Showing posts with label Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conference. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Mark your calendars: 4th International Blastocystis Conference - in Crete!

Hello all,

I'ts been a while, but I hope that you've been updating yourself through various networks, social media platforms, and what not.

Importantly, please mark your calendar for the 4th International Blastocystis Conference in Crete on the 18-19 September, 2024. Moreover, on the day before the conference (17th of September 2024) we will organise two parallel workshops, one on the Epidemiology of Blastocystis (Working Group 1 of the COST Action) and the other one on subtyping (Working Group 2 of the COST Action).

You can find more info on the conference here.

And more about the COST action on Blastocystis here and here

We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

This is your chance to meet all of us old Blasto-Buggers who never seize to be amazed... ! ๐Ÿ˜€

Bonus info: The 1st International Blastocystis Conference took place in Ankara in 2015 and was organised by Prof Funda Dogruman-Al and her lovely team. The next one took place in Bogotรก, Colombia, in 2018, where Prof Juan-David Ramirez and his great colleagues pulled off a really nice event. The third one was a virtual on (during COVID) in 2021, and now we look forward to the fourth one in the Mediterranean Sea!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Abstract deadline for ICOPA2022 - ICOPAnhagen!

 Hola everyone!

Did you upload your suggestion(s) for ICOPA2022 symposia? If yes - good! If not - don't worry; you still have lots of opportunity to share your parasitology research.

Deadline for regular abstract submission is 8 March, 2022. 

Go here to submit.

For more information on ICOPA2022 - go here


Thursday, January 20, 2022

ICOPA2022 Deadline approaching: You've got one more week to submit your Symposium Proposals!

Hello everyone,

In the LOC and SC we are working hard to develop the ICOPA2022 conference YOU would like to attend.

But we need input from you as well! Please note that the deadline for submission of Symposium proposals is 31 January, 2022. 

Deadline for abstracts is 8 March, 2022. You can browse the list of Abstract topics here.

So, please go ahead an submit!

Friday, December 10, 2021

ICOPA2022: Abstract submission is open!

Hello everyone!

In case you didn't see this already, abstracts and proposals for symposia can now be submitted to the ICOPA2022 website!

Deadline for abstracts: 8 March.

Deadline for symposia: 31 January.

Please also make sure to get more updates on social media - we're on FB, Twitter, and IG.

Search terms: #ICOPA2022 and #icopanhagen


Thursday, April 29, 2021

One Health Parasitology Conference in Brazil: XXVII Congresso Da Sociedade Brasileira De Parasitologia

'Parasitologia na perspectiva da Saรบde รšnica'

Happy and thankful to be part of this years congress in parasitology in The XXVII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Parasitology - PARASITO-2021, which will be held online
from May 4th to 6th, 2021.

The programme is available here for download.

In my talk, I'll be giving examples of the applicability of the metabarcoding assay in place at our institute (Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen) for detecting and differentiating parasites in various matrices from humans, other animals and the environment. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dear all,

This is to remind you that the 3rd International Blastocystis Conference ( will take place virtually between 2nd to 4th of June 2021 and currently both the registration ( and the abstract submissions are open (, with the deadlines for abstract submission and early-bird registration approaching soon: April 15th, 2021.

Participants from LMICs will receive a 20% discount in their registration fees. Please contact the Conference Secretariat ( to register at the discounted rate.

 For frequent updates, please follow us on twitter: @Blastocystis21 . Please do also spread the word! 

We look forward to seeing you (even virtually) in June 2021.